


📢 珍惜地球,創造永續未來!清華大學科管院誠摯邀請各位同學參與我們的永續競賽。本次競賽要求參賽者蒐集世界各國創意的永續商業模式,透過海報呈現出來並拍攝影片介紹,再由同學進行投票評選出最佳作品。這個競賽不僅可以展現你的設計才華,更能讓大家了解世界各地的環保實踐,共同關注永續發展議題。得獎者可獲得豐富獎勵,還有機會展示作品於清華大學科管院內。讓我們攜手努力,用行動證明綠色環保,為地球盡一份心力!

📢CTM is excited to announce a sustainability-themed poster design competition! This competition aims to collect creative and innovative environmental protection ideas from around the world and showcase them through photos and videos. Students will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite design, and the winners will receive amazing prizes. Join us to unleash your creativity and make a difference for a sustainable future!


